(1) 学术奖励
[1] 2020年浙江省自然科学二等奖(3/4)
[2] 2014年第五届国际计算方法大会(英国剑桥大学)最佳论文奖
[3] 两次获得博士研究生国家奖学金
(2) 工程奖项
[1] 2021年浙江省优秀勘察设计综合类一等奖
[2] 2021年杭州市勘察设计行业优秀成果一等奖
(3) 教学奖励
[1] 2023年全国数字建筑创新应用大赛国家级一等奖(一级赛事, 第1指导教师)
[2] 2023年全国土木工程专业青年教师教学研讨会“智能建造”说课大赛三等奖
(4) 其他奖励
[1] 湖北省博士后创新研究岗位(全省共100名)、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生、中南大学优秀毕业设计一等奖(全英文)等
[2] 周培源老员工力学竞赛全国三等奖、湖南省老员工物理竞赛一等奖、湖南省老员工力学竞赛一等奖等
研究方向:冲击与爆炸下的结构行为、复合材料与创新材料(3D打印, ECC, UHPC, FRP等)、微观CT原位实验和图像分析、固体力学高性能数值算法(SBFEM, SFEM, VEM等)、多尺度损伤与断裂计算方法(PFCZM, LGDM, PD等)、基于对抗学习的仿真驱动技术
[1] Huang Y J(黄宇劼), Yang Z J*, Ren W Y, Liu G H, Zhang C Z. 3D meso-scale fracture modelling and validation of concrete based on in-situ X-ray Computed Tomography images using damage plasticity model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015, 67: 340-352. (SCI, IF 3.6; ESI高被引、热点论文; A1类)
[2] Huang Y J(黄宇劼), Natarajan S, Zhang H*, Guo F Q*, Xu S L, Zeng C, Zheng Z S. A CT image-driven computational framework for investigating complex 3D fracture in mesoscale concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2023, 143: 105270. (SCI, IF 10.5; A1类)
[3] Huang Y J(黄宇劼), Guo F Q, Zhang H, Yang Z J*. An efficient computational framework for generating realistic 3D mesoscale concrete models using micro X-ray computed tomography images and dynamic physics engine. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 126: 104347. (SCI, IF 10.5; A1类)
[4] Zhang H, Huang Y J*(黄宇劼), Xu S L, Hu X J*, Zheng Z S. 3D cohesive fracture of heterogeneous CA-UHPC: a mesoscale investigation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 249: 108270. (SCI, IF 7.3; A1类)
[5] Zeng C, Zheng Z S*, Zhang H, Huang Y J*(黄宇劼). 3D mesoscale investigation of non-uniform steel corrosion in reinforced concrete under chloride environments. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411: 134273. (SCI, IF 7.4; A1类)
[6] Huang Y J(黄宇劼), Zhang H*, Zhou J J, Xu S L. Efficient quasi-brittle fracture simulations of concrete at mesoscale using micro CT images and a localizing gradient damage model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 400: 115559. (SCI, IF 7.2; A1类)
[7] Huang Y J(黄宇劼), Yang Z J, Zhang H*, Natarajan S*. A phase-field cohesive zone model integrated with cell-based smoothed finite element method for quasi-brittle fracture simulations of concrete at mesoscale. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 396: 115074. (SCI, IF 7.2; A1类)
[8] Hu X J, Shentu J, Xie N, Huang Y J*(黄宇劼), Lei G, Hu H B, Guo P P, Gong X N. Predicting triaxial compressive strength of high-temperature treated rock using machine learning techniques. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022. (SCI, IF 7.3; A1类)
[9] Hai L, Zhang H, Wriggers P, Huang Y J*(黄宇劼), Zhuang X Y, Xu S L. 3D concrete fracture simulations using an explicit phase field model.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024: 108907. (SCI, IF 7.3; A1类)
[10] Hai L, Wriggers P, Huang Y J*(黄宇劼), Zhang H*, Xu S L. Dynamic fracture investigation of concrete by a rate-dependent explicit phase field model integrating viscoelasticity and micro-viscosity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2024, 418: 116540. (SCI, IF 7.2; A1类)
[1] 安吉“两山”讲习所EPC项目
[2] 杭州国际办公中心超限高层项目
[3] 萧山国际机场三期交通中心建设项目
[4] 洪泽湖医养融合体项目
[5] 平湖市妇幼健康咨询中心项目
[6] 通城万雅国际商贸中心项目
[7] 衢州开化小桥头片区改建项目
[8] 台州椒兰汇商业综合体项目
[9] 台州黄岩区图书馆项目
[10] 杭州龙源电力有限公司科研楼项目